e-mail info

where to e-mail me, and what to do if that doesn't work

My e-mail is lonelyshadow42@yahoo.com, and I check it often. I just don't ever get e-mails, even though I love them! If you'd like to comment on any of my writings, please e-mail me...even if you just want to talk about the site, or anything, e-mail me! I'll be more than happy to e-mail you back in most cases.

If for some reason you can't get a hold of me through that e-mail, try neonkocho@excite.com. This is actually an e-mail for an RPG page, but I check it often. If for some reason I don't (or can't) or even won't (for some reason) check my lonelyshadow42@yahoo.com email, I'll check this one if I can.

If you fail to reach me at either address, and you have the capability of exchanging AOL Instant Messages (whether through AOL or downloadable AIM) try IMing me; my Screen Name is FightinMoomba42.

If not, well...there are various other ways, like replying to one of my DeadJournal entries (a link to my DeadJournal can be found on the main page, and on my main site Random, which is linked to from the main page.) or posting at a message board that's linked to from Random, which I check occasionally. However, I really don't think you'll have many problems getting a hold of me!